Unlocking Private Company Wealth

Proven Strategies and Tools for Managing Wealth in Your Private Business

by Z. Christopher Mercer, ASA, CFA, ABAR

Price: $25.99 (hardcopy)
Page Count:
208 pages
Publication Date: October 1, 2014

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About the Book

For Business Owners and Advisers to Business Owners

Unlocking Private Company Wealth is all about managing the wealth represented by your ownership of a private business. The book calls for business owners to treat their illiquid, private company wealth with the same care and respect as their liquid wealth and retirement funds.

Unlocking Private Company Wealth is written directly to you as a business owner. And if you are a baby boomer business owner, it will speak even more directly to you.

Unlocking Private Company Wealth will help you turn your business into the liquidity-creating vehicle it needs to be for you to become independent of the business and truly free to sell it, stay with it, or transition it to others of your choice.

f you are an adviser to private business owners, then Unlocking Private Company Wealth is also written for you. It will help you understand how to talk to business owners about managing their private company wealth. It will provide you with a diagnostic tool to help you understand your private company owners’ needs regarding wealth management. Unlocking Private Company Wealth will help you help your clients in ways they will appreciate.


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